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- Writ Petitions Under Article 226 and 227 Of The Constitution Of India
Writ Petitions Under Article 226 and 227 Of The Constitution Of India
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writ petition under article 226 & 227 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court with prayer for issuance of an appropriate writ(s) or order(s) or direction(s) in the nature of certiorari or any other writ(s) order(s) or direction(s) thereby quashing & setting aside the impugned notification issued by the state government referring to cbi the investigation of withdrawal and utilization of certain amount from “secret service fund” by the petitioner in the capacity of dg (police) for intelligence purposes and in the interest of the security of the state to fight terrorism and naxalites / extremists because such reference to cbi for conducting investigation into utilization of “secret service fund” by the police authorities is against the mandate and rule of law laid down by the hon’ble supreme of india vide its judgment dated 27 09 2010 passed in a public interest litigation bearing w p (c) no 292 of 2010 (titled “ jitin sahni vs union of india and others whereby “in the absence of any statutory provision” the hon’ble supreme court of india declined to issue any directions for a detailed and in depth inquiry to be conducted by cbi into the utilization of “secret service fund”

writ petition under article 226 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court with prayer for the direction to the respondents to show cause as to why the state govt did not nominate a controlling officer as mandated by the bihar financial rules 1950 for conducting a sufficient real administrative audit of the expenditure incurred in the “secret service fund” out of the public money withdrawn in cash from the govt treasury under the control/orders of various director generals of police/ respondents under the umbrella of “secret service fund”

writ petition (pil) under article 226 and 227 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court with prayer for directing the respondent to set aside and quash the impugned notification issued by the state of government referring to cbi the investigation of withdrawal and utilization of the amount from “secret service fund” by the petitioner in the capacity of director general of police for intelligence purposes and in the interest of the security of the state

petition under article 226 and 227 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court on behalf of the complainants in various fir’s all registered under sections 406/409/468/471/120b/ 34/420/415 ipc involving cheating of public money of several crores and for issuance of appropriate writ / order and / or directions in the nature of mandamus for withdrawing the investigation of these fir’s from the respondent/ips officer who was specially appointed to investigate these cases by division bench of this hon’ble court and for transfer of the investigations to another ips officer as the present investigating officer has bypassed & ignored the mandate and the order passed by the hon’ble division bench in reaching a conclusion to file a cancellation report that all these cases were civil in nature and accordingly the firs were cancelled

civil writ petition under article 226/227 of constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court with prayer for issuance of a writ of mandamus directing the respondent to comply with the order passed by this hon’ble court in cwp and to issue a further writ of mandamus directing the respondent to investigate & register fir on the complaints filed by the petitioner with the respondent or to issue any other writ or directions or grant such relief to petitioner which this hon’ble court found fit in facts and circumstances of case

petition under article 226/227 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court for the issuance of appropriate writ order or direction to police for clubbing of all the cases arising out of various complaints filed by the petitioners / respondents qua each other as one case and further to investigate the conduct of all the parties concerned in the various complaints with a further direction to file a preliminary enquiry report and with a further direction to respondents to refrain from filing similar complaints against the petitioners and with a further direction to police not to take any coercive action against the petitioners pending a preliminary enquiry by the police and for a further direction to determine the scope and limit of the exercise of the power under section 156(3) of the code of criminal procedure by the courts of learned magistrate

petition under article 226 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court for issuance of an appropriate writ/order and/or directions in the nature of certiorari mandamus against the erroneous unilateral arbitrary wrong illegal and excessive demand of property tax made by the respondent/ corporation vide demand notice in respect of the suit property owned by the petitioner because the property tax demand notice is wrong illegal arbitrary unilateral excessive & is in utter violation of the provisions of relevant laws / notification/amendments inforce from time to time

civil writ petition under article 226/227 of constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court for issuance of writ of certiorari for quashing of fir under sections 420 467468471 &120-b ipc and to issue writ of mandamus directing the police to register fir against respondent on the complaint filed by petitioner; and direct the police to protect the life and liberty of petitioner to enable them to do their business in legal manner and not to create hindrances in carrying out of their business at instance of respondent; and during pendency of writ petition the proceedings in pursuance to fir under sections 420 467468471 &120-b ipc be stayed

writ petition under article 226 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble court seeking issuance of a writ order or a direction in the nature of mandamus thereby directing the municipal corporation/ respondentes to demolish the unauthorized construction carried out by the respondent in the “subject property”

writ petition under article 226 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court for issuance of writ order or directions declaring that section 164(2)(a) of the companies act 2013 is unconstitutional as it violates article 14 and 19(1)(g) of the constitution of india and/or writ petition under article 226 of constitution of india seeking an appropriate writ to declare section 164(2) of the companies act2013 as ultra-vires and in violation of the constitution of india and for issuance of a writ of mandamus against the respondents declaring that the publication of the name of the petitioner on the list of disqualified directors uploaded and published on the website of respondent is arbitrary and illegal and for quashing the list to the extent pertaining to the petitioner and directing the respondents not to treat the petitioner as ‘disqualified directors”

writ petition under article 226 of the constitution of india to be filed before the hon’ble high court for issuance of a writ in the nature of mandamus or direction to the respondent not to take any action / carry out demolition in the “subject property” and issuance of a writ in the nature of mandamus or direction to the respondent to supply the copy of the notice / proceedings / order if any for demolition of the subject property