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6 results

complaint under section 31 read with sections 35 36 37 and 38 of the real estate regulation & development) act 2016 to be filed by the complainant before the real estate regulatory authority seeking direction from the hon’ble tribunal to the respondent / builder to refund to the complainant the excess amount deducted/forfeited by the respondent / builder (alongwith interest @12% per annum from the date of payment till the date of refund) pursuant to the cancellation of booking of the property by the complainant in accordance with the provisions of the real estate (regulation & development) act 2016 read with rules read with (forfeiture of earnest money by the builder) regulation 2018

appeal under section 44 of the real estate (regulation and development) act 2016 to be filed before the real estate appellant tribunal seeking setting aside / quashing of the impugned order passed by the hon’ble real estate regularity authority rejecting the application filed by the appellant for grant of certificate of registration of the project under the provisions of real estate (regulation and development) act 2016 with further direction to the hon’ble real estate regulatory authority to grant the certificate of registration of the project to the appellant under the provisions of real estate (regulation and development) act 2016 or in the alternative to remand the case to the hon’ble authority with direction to reconsider the application of the appellant for grant of certificate of registration of the project in accordance with the facts and legal position

appeal under section 44 of the real estate (regulation and development) act 2016 to be filed before the real estate appellant tribunal seeking setting aside / quashing of the impugned order passed by the hon’ble real estate regularity authority whereby the hon’ble authority has instead of granting certificate of registration of the project to the appellant under the provisions of real estate (regulation and development) act 2016 rules 2017, intended to handover the project to the association of apartment owners and resultantly the impugned order is not only voilative of the provisions of the real estate (regulation and development) act 2016 read with the rules but is also violative of provisions of other applicable statutory laws of the state government

application for disposal of the present appeal to be filed before hon’ble real estate appellate tribunal with prayer to allow the present appeal on the basis of the undertaking of the appellant that the certificate of registration under rera will be granted by the hon’ble regulatory authority to the appellant only after the appellant has obtained the renewal of license from town & country planning department

application for placing on record the additional documents to be filed before the hon’ble real estate appellate tribunal with prayer to take on record the additional documents annexed with and mentioned in the present application