- Legal Notices and Court Petitions
- High Court Petitions
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22 results

application on behalf of the respondent under section 446 (2) of the companies act, 1956 to be filed before the hon’ble high court in the pending petition under section 433(e), 434 and 439 of the companies act, 1956 read with rule 9 of the companies court rules, 1959 for winding up the respondent company seeking leave of the hon’ble court to continue with the proceedings pending before the learned arbitral tribunal

application on behalf of the petitioner to be filed before the hon’ble high court seeking clarification of order passed by this hon’ble court in the present writ petition which has been filed inter-alia challenging the constitutional validity of section 164(2) of the companies act, 2013 (“the 2013 act”) and also assailing the illegal insertion of the name of the petitioner in the list of disqualified directors (disqualified with effect from 1st november, 2016) published on the website of respondent

application u/s 151 cpc to be filed before the hon’ble high court in the present suit with prayer to pass an order issuing appropriate directions to the defendants to get the revalidation of the pay order which was deposited by the defendants in this hon’ble court and thereafter handover the same to the plaintiff

application under section 151 cpc to be filed before the hon’ble high court in the present suit for appropriate modification of the interim order by extending the status quo order in respect of all the matters concerning the suit land / suit property till the disposal of the present suit

application under order xiv rule 5 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 to be filed before the hon’ble high court in the present suit seeking directions for framing of additional issues as mentioned in the present application

application on behalf of the plaintiff to be filed before the hon’ble high court under the principles of order xlvii rule 1 read with section 114 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 seeking review/recall of the impugned order passed by this hon’ble court with prayer to allow the present application and condone the delay in filing the present application for review/recall of the impugned order

application under section 151 cpc on behalf of the decree holders to be filed before the hon’ble high court to report to this hon’ble court about the compliance of the order passed by this hon’ble court with prayer to pass appropriate order(s) directing the judgment debtor to also remove the rest of the pending blogs from the web portal of the judgment debtor

application on behalf of the plaintiff under order 39 rule 2a cpc read with section 151 cpc to be filed before the hon’ble high court against the defendant company and its directors for willful and intentional disobedience / breach of injunction order passed by this hon’ble court in the above noted suit with prayer to pass an appropriate order directing the attachment of the property of the defendant company and also to detain the directors of the defendant company in civil prison for such term as this hon’ble court may deem appropriate in the interest of justice

application on behalf of the plaintiff under order xii rule 6 read with section 151 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 to be filed before the hon’ble high court for pronouncement of judgment on admission and drawing of decree thereafter in favour of the plaintiff and against the defendants in terms of prayers main in the present suit

application on behalf of the plaintiff under order xii rule 6 read with section 151 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 to be filed before the hon’ble high court for pronouncement of judgment on admission and drawing of decree thereafter in favour of the plaintiff and against the defendants directing the partition of the “suit property” amongst the defendants as per the undivided share mentioned in the suit

application under order ix rule 9 read with under section 151 cpc to be filed before the hon’ble high court on behalf of the plaintiff/ applicant seeking restoration of the suit which was dismissed in default and for non prosecution by this hon’ble court with prayer to recall/set aside the order and restore the suit to its original number and also condone the delay in filing application u/s ix rule 9 cpc seeking restoration of the suit to its original number

application on behalf of the petitioner under section 151 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 to be filed before the hon’ble high court seeking leave of this hon’ble court to place on record the summarized statement of dates and events alongwith copies of order sheets pertaining to the civil suit pending before the court of learned civil judge (senior division) which are necessary in the interest of justice

application on behalf of the plaintiff under section 151 cpc to be filed before the hon’ble high court with prayer to pass an order directing the concerned defendant to deposit with this hon’ble court the amounts received by the concerned defendant from the other co-defendants

application on behalf of the plaintiff under the principles of order xlvii rule 1 read with section 114 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 to be filed before the hon’ble high court seeking review / recall of the impugned order as the impugned order was passed ex-party on account of non appearance of the counsel of the plaintiff

application on behalf of the respondent under rule 9 of the companies (court) rules, 1959 to be filed before the hon’ble high court for the dismissal of the present petition in view of the petitioner bank having already arrived at a settlement with the co-respondent with further prayer to direct the petitioner to place on record the alleged settlement recorded between the petitioner and the co-respondent

application on behalf of the petitioner under section 151 cpc 1908 to be filed before the hon’ble high court seeking permission to place on record additional documents which form part of the trial court record and are germane for the adjudication of the controversy between the parties

application under section 151 cpc to be filed before the hon’ble high court for appropriate modification of the interim order by extending the status quo order with regard to the construction activities as well as in respect of all other matters concerning the suit land during the pendency of the present suit

application under order 23 rule 3 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 on behalf of the plaintiff and defendants to be filed before hon’ble high court in the present suit in terms of the settlement arrived at between the parties with prayer to allow the present application and pass a consent decree in terms of the settlement filed with the present application

application on behalf of the plaintiff under order 39 rules 1 and 2 read with section 151 of the code of civil procedure to be filed before hon’ble high court seeking an order restraining the defendants and their respective directors, managers, officers, employees, servants, agents, nominees and/or any one acting on their behalf or instructions or claiming through them from selling, transferring, alienating, or otherwise creating any third party rights, interests or nomination of any nature whatsoever or parting with possession or raising any construction in relation to the suit property in favour of any person other than the plaintiff during the pendency of the suit