- Legal Notices and Court Petitions
- Supreme Court Petitions
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10 results

application on behalf of the applicant for modification of order passed by this hon’ble court in above mentioned slp seeking direction for modification and clarification of order passed by this hon’ble court in the slp in terms of the detailed averments made in the application

application on behalf of the applicant seeking permission of this hon’ble court to permit the applicants who is special power of attorney / authorised signatory of the petitioners to appear and argue the matter in person on behalf of all the petitioners in the interest of justice

application on behalf of the petitioners/ complainants in various fir’s which are subject matter of above slp’s so as to put an end to batch of different fir’s / complaints etc. registered against the respondents/ accused under section 406/409/415/420/ 467/468/471/ 34/120b ipc by giving a proposal for a compromise without prejudice and in the interest of justice relating to cheating and misappropriation of public money by the respondents /accused to the tune of several crores of rupees

application on behalf of the applicant to be impleaded as a necessary party / respondent in the above noted civil appeal filed before hon’ble supreme court of india with prayer to allow this application and direct that the present applicant be impleaded as a necessary party / respondent in the above noted civil appeal

joint application on behalf of the petitioner and the respondents to be filed before the hon’ble supreme court of india seeking appropriate directions to the proposed respondents to remove/delete all web postings / blogs / youtube videos as shown in the annexure attached with consent terms / amended/ modified consent terms

joint application on behalf of the petitioner and the respondents under order 1 rule 10 read with section 151 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 to be filed before hon’ble supreme court of india seeking directions for impleadment of two additional proposed respondents as necessary parties and with further appropriate direction to the additional two proposed respondents to remove/delete all web postings / blogs / youtube videos as shown in annexure attached with consent terms and amended/modified consent terms

application on behalf of the petitioner under section 151 of the code of civil procedure, 1908 to be filed before the hon’ble supreme court seeking permission to place on record additional document being batch of annexures relating to recent developments concerning the subject case which are necessary and relevant for the proper and fair adjudication of the present case

application for directions to be filed before hon’ble supreme court of india to either sine-die adjourn the above noted slp or list the same after a particualr date as per the convenience of this hon’ble court as by the said date the compromise already entered into between the parties would have been honoured and complied with

application on behalf of the respondents in slp (crl) to be filed before hon’ble supreme court of india in above noted slp (crl) seeking vacation of stay granted by this hon’ble court vide its earlier order as by preferring the instant special leave petition, the petitioners are seeking to invite a finding which shall be in direct conflict with three separate orders already passed by this hon’ble apex court in already disposed off batch of bunch slp crl’s whereby this hon’ble court had upheld a batch of bunch cognizance and summoning orders passed by learned cjm (on the basis of the police report filed under section 173 cr. p.c.), and this hon’ble court had also in the said batch of bunch slp (crl.) refused to quash the batch of bunch firs which were registered against the petitioners under sections 420, 406, 409, 415, 467, 468, 471, 34, 120b ipc, at police station.