Aleem Alias Muhammad Aleem And Another Vs State Of Uttarakhand And Another
.... . Applicant No.1-husband Aleem @ Muhammad Aleem and respondent No.2-wife Tamanna Ansari have also stated that they have dissolved their marriage by way of divorce as per the Muslim Law by entering into Talaknama dated 29.05.2024 (Annexure No.5 to the C482 application). 6. Learned State C ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Anita Goswami And Ors. Vs State Of Uttarakhand And Others
.... gation agency should comply with the guidelines given in Arnesh Kumar Vs. State of Bihar and another reported in (2014) 8 SCC 273. 3. Since the offences carries a punishment maximum to seven years, therefore, before resorting to any arrest a prior notice under Section 35(3) of the B.N.S.S., ...
Uttarakhand High Court
State Of U.P Vs Manish Kumar And Another
.... some of the most vital facts, has acquitted the accused, that the same may be reversed by this Court, exercising jurisdiction under Article 136 of the Constitution. [State of U.P. v. Sahai] d Such fetters on the right to entertain an appeal are prompted by the reluctance to expose a person, who ...
Allahabad High Court
Surendra Kumar And Anr Vs State State Of U.P. And Anr
.... A similar view has been taken by this Court in the case of Ashoke Mal Bafna (supra). 40. In the present case, leaving aside there being no reasons in support of the order of the issuance of process, as a matter of fact, it is clear from the order of the learned Single Judge of the High Cour ...
Allahabad High Court
Suman Mishra & Ors Vs State Of Uttar Pradesh & Anr
.... The statements of the witnesses examined by the police reveal that there are allegations against the accused persons of general and omnibus nature, and no specific details have been provided. Further, divorcing the allegations under Section 376 IPC from the FIR, it appears to this Court that not ...
Supreme Court Of India
Geddam Jhansi & Anr Vs State Of Telangana & Ors
.... e 4 times in Chennai and 5 times in Hyderabad. Approximately about 2 years ago my daughter came to our house and told me that when she questioned why they were doing like this, they said, how dare you to raise your voice against us and all of them together abused her and beat her and pushed her ...
Supreme Court Of India
Bhukant Kumar Singh Vs State Of Jharkhand
.... se. It is lastly submitted that the petitioner undertakes to co-operate with the investigation of the case and to furnish sufficient security including cash security. Hence, it is submitted that the petitioner be given the privileges of anticipatory bail. Learned Addl.P.P appearing for the ...
Jharkhand High Court
Karan Singh Vs State Of Haryana
.... nd that at the time of marriage, a black and white television set was given and not a colour television; c) There was a demand for a motorcycle, a refrigerator and a mixi by the accused; d) There was also a demand for a buffalo and a sum of Rs.10,000/- was paid to the appellant’s fathe ...
Supreme Court Of India
Arnab Saha and Ors Vs State Of West Bengal & Another
.... left her matrimonial home, she was not permitted to take her stridhan articles which were lying in the matrimonial home and, subsequently, it came to her knowledge that petitioners had opened the almirah, where her belongings were kept. She demanded her stridhan articles from her husband and pa ...
Calcutta High Court (Appellate Side)
Puttaparthi Tirumala Aditya & Ors. Vs State Of Andhra Pradesh, Represented By Public Prosecutor, High Court Of Andhra Pradesh, At Amaravathi & Ors.
.... rs, the petitioner/A-1 is permitted to appear through V.C. Accordingly, the petitioner/Accused No.1 appeared through V.C. and he is identified by the learned counsel for petitioners and the defacto-complainant. The petitioners/A-2 to A-5 and 2nd respondent produced their respective Aadhaar cards ...
Andhra Pradesh High Court - Amaravati
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