Anupender Vs State Of Nct Of Delhi
.... fences.” 10. Similarly, in State of Gujarat v. Dilipsinh Kishorsinh Rao:2023 SCC OnLine SC 1294 , the Hon’ble Supreme Court had observed as follows: “13. The power and jurisdiction of Higher Court under Section 397 Cr. P.C. which vests the court with the power ...
Delhi High Court
Pramor Kumar Joshi Vs State Of Nct Of Delhi
.... 10. This Court has carefully examined the impugned order and the circumstances surrounding it. It is evident that the petitioner was granted bail vide order dated 20.05.2021. However, nearly three years later, the State has moved an application seeking cancellation of the bail granted to th ...
Delhi High Court
Yogesh Vs State Of Delhi
.... d of illegal gratification and the subsequent acceptance as a matter of fact. This fact in issue can be proved either by direct evidence which can be in the nature of oral evidence or documentary evidence. 88.3 (c) Further, the fact in issue, namely, the proof of demand and acceptance of il ...
Delhi High Court
Kostubh Dadhichi Anshu Vs Aditya Juniwal
.... to rectify these inconsistencies by executing a second rent agreement on 20.10.2022, with the same address but a different landlord. In this regard, it was pointed out that the first agreement listed one Mr. Amarjeet as the absolute owner, while the second agreement named Smt. Usha Rawat as the ...
Delhi High Court
Kalam Dass Vs State Of Uttarakhand & Others
.... ’ble Supreme Court observed as below: “The position that emerges from the above discussion can be summarised thus: the power of the High Court in quashing a criminal proceeding or FIR or complaint in exercise of its inherent jurisdiction is distinct and different from the power given to a c ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Lata Vs State Of Uttarakhand & Others
.... Hon’ble Supreme Court observed as below: “The position that emerges from the above discussion can be summarised thus: the power of the High Court in quashing a criminal proceeding or FIR or complaint in exercise of its inherent jurisdiction is distinct and different from the power given to ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Sudershan Singh Wazir Vs State (NCT Of Delhi) & Ors
.... on the charge sheet and the submissions of parties, if the Court concludes that there is no sufficient ground for proceeding against the accused, the Court must discharge the accused for the reasons recorded. Thus, an order of discharge is passed when there is no sufficient material to proceed ...
Supreme Court Of India
Income Tax Department By Its Income Tax Officer, Ward No. 7(2)(1) BMTC Building, 80 Feet Road, 6th Block Koramangala Bangalore � 560095 Vs Bhaskara Subramanyam Jayashree
.... for offence punishable under Section 276CC of the Income Tax Act, 1961. 2. The impugned order is not judgment of acquittal. The impugned order is passed on the discharge application filed by the accused. Therefore, the appeal is not maintainable. 3. Learned counsel for the appellant ...
Karnataka High Court At Bengaluru
Badan Singh Vs Union Of India & Ors.
.... senses if he had set up case that although at Zaika he had refused to pay but subsequently when he made up his mind and approached Badan Singh then he doubled the demand. So the story being narrated is not going down easily particularly when no such fact had been mentioned in the civil suit. ...
Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Manish Jha Vs State Of Gnctd & Ors
.... Respondent No.3. 7. The Petitioner has alleged that the complaint has given a totally false and concocted story, as the certificate dated 02.11.2017 issued by the Bank in respect of the Cheque, that it was utilized for withdrawal of cash of Rs.500/- by the Petitioner on 29.03.2003 and that ...
Delhi High Court
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