Har Swaroop Vs State of Rajasthan
.... against him. Manoharlal Lohe Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh, 7. In 1977 Cri.LJ 105 joint trial of offences committed during a period of 1-1/2 month was not held to be misjoined of charges. In RLW 1970 375, accused was charged with more than three defalcations in respect of amount received durin ...
Rajasthan High Court (Jaipur Bench)
Rajasthan Yarn Syndicate Vs Assistant Commissioner, Sales Tax (Executive) and Another
.... petitioner is not the manufacturer of the cotton yarn has not been denied in the counter-affidavit. It has also not been stated specifically in the counter-affidavit that the petitioner was importing the cotton yarn at the time when it was seized. Indeed as already pointed out above, the contents o ...
Allahabad High Court
Shiv Shanker Lal Vs Savitri Devi alias Sudei
.... way erroneous. He, however, found two difficulties in sustaining the order of the S. D. O. one was that there is no extract of Khatauni on the file in respect of holding No. 305 and so he could not ascertain who was the cotenure holder. The other difficulty was that one of the recorded cotenure hold ...
Allahabad High Court (Lucknow Bench)
Sarwan Lal and Another Vs Kanti Prasad (deceased by L.R.''s)
.... aimed by him. The plaintiff could only pray for a mandatory injunction for directing the defendants to remove their materials from the road patri. The suit as framed was, therefore, proper and was rightly decreed. In view of the decree, the plaintiff had both the modes of executing the decree open t ...
Allahabad High Court
Mohd. Yunus Vs Smt. Shamshad Bano
.... on Mohammedan Law in support of his contention that the appellant was entitled to have the custody at least of the son because he was more than seven years old In my opinion, there is nothing in the principles enunciated in these sections which might militate against the view expressed in the decis ...
Allahabad High Court
Hindustan Steel Ltd. Vs R.N. Banerjee
.... under Article 12 is wide enough to include within it every authority created by a statute and functioning within the territory of India or under the control under the Government of India. It includes all constitutional or statutory authorities on whom powers are conferred by law. It has also been h ...
Calcutta High Court
Commissioner of Income Tax Vs Birla Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mills Ltd.
.... 12 an estimate of the advance tax payable by him which he knew or had reason to believe to be untrue. u/s 210 of the Act, the Income Tax Officer may require the assessee to pay the advance tax determined in accordance with the provision of Sections 207, 208 and 209 of the Act. Since the advance tax ...
Calcutta High Court
Sampati Devi Vs Ram Pershad
.... ain . petition it was specifically pleaded that the tenancy was oral and the respondent could not be allowed to turn stand in the replication and in his statement and take different stand. The Rent Controller accordingly held that there was nothing to show that any tenancy was created by any deed wr ...
Delhi High Court
Ghaziabad Engineering Company Private Limited Vs Union of India and another
.... es that the value of the goods transferred by the petitioner to its factory at Ghaziabad amounted to Rs. 94,236.11. I may further note that the view of the Financial Commissioner in Fitwell Engineers was upheld by a Division Bench of this Court. Thereafter, in a batch of petitions decided by the Sup ...
Delhi High Court
Mohamed Hanif Abdul Hamid Shaikh Vs Union of India and others
.... ted by the impugned detention order dated August 14, 1984. It cannot be disputed that the issue of the show cause notice u/s 124 of the Customs Act well before the passing of the detention order was a relevant circumstance. What was said in the show cause notice has some importance of bearing and th ...
Delhi High Court
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