M/s. Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd Vs Dr. Subhash Chandra
.... of this Tribunal and the Resolution Professional has been appointed. Further, the report under Section 99 of the Code has already been filed by the Resolution Professional in the said case. We, therefore, deem it appropriate to grant liberty in IB-97/ND/2022 to the Applicant to file its claim be ...
National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi Bench Court III
Milton Cycle Industries Limited Vs Atlas Cycles (Harvana) Limited
.... ssed by this Bench, vide which, CP (IB) No. 43(CH)/2021 was dismissed as withdrawn simpliciter. In the present application, it is stated by learned counsel for the applicant that the liberty may be granted to the applicant to get the main petition revived in case, there is any default in payment ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Chandigarh Bench
PCube Advisors Vs Europa Technosoft Private Limited
.... omplaint is being filed by the Applicant. 8. Heard the Learned Counsel for the Parties and documents annexed therewith are meticulously perused. At this juncture, it will be relevant to refer the provisions relating to Deposits. Section 2(31) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) defines ...
National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi Bench Court V
Rashmi Saxena on Behalf of M/s. Unify Clothing Pvt. Ltd Vs
.... he Petitioner, on instruction, seeks liberty to withdraw the present petition. Liberty is granted to the Petitioner to withdraw the present petition i.e. IB206/PB/2022. The same is dismissed as withdrawn . All papers be consigned to the record room. Ms. Ekta Chaudhary, Ld. Counsel ...
National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi Bench Court V
Varad Promoters Private Limited Vs Registrar of Companies, Pune
.... turn and Financial Statements of the Company and have not made any application within such period for obtaining the status of Dormant Company under Section 455 of the Act and also issued STK-5 dated 27.04.2017. 5. The Respondent has further submitted that in absence of any representation ag ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court V
Zentian Digi Sol Private Limited Vs Registrar of Companies, Pune
.... -7 to the Company on the ground that the Company had failed to file Annual Return and Financial Statements of the Company. 5. The Respondent has further submitted that in absence of any representation against the proposed strike off action, the Registrar struck off the name of the company on ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court V
IAC International Automotive Indiaprivate Limited Vs
.... so far as the observation made in Paragraph 2(g) of the said Report is concerned, the Petitioner Companies submit that it has duly submitted notices on all relevant Regulatory Authorities such as Registrar of Companies, Regional Director, the Income Tax Authority and GST Authorities and ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court V
Weathernews India Private Limited Vs
.... Form MGT-14 and IBBI on 28.03.2021 vide Form A about the passing of a Special Resolution to liquidate the Corporate Person. Further, the Liquidator has duly intimated the Income-tax Department about the voluntary liquidation of the Corporate Person and as per the IBBI Regulations No. IBBI/LIQ/4 ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court V
Ezeego One Travel and Tours Limited Vs Piyush Kisanlal Jani
.... e claim cannot be said to be fatal in nature. Even otherwise as pointed out by the Counsel for the Applicant, the Applicant company itself had gone into CIRP due to which the delay might have taken place. Therefore, in our consider view, the delay, if any, in filing the claim can be condoned and ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court II
Accurex Technologies (Pte) Ltd Vs Artemis Electricals and Projects Limited
.... the Principal Amount for the purpose of achieving threshold limit. 30. In respect of Corporate Debtor's claim that it never entered into any transaction, emails and domain name shown in correspondence is not that of Corporate Debtor. Document Particulars ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court III
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