Megha Mohan Shivpure Vs District Caste Certificate Scrutiny Committee, Amravati And Others
.... e such enquiry within six weeks and upon receipt of the Vigilance Cell Report if the Committee is satisfied about the genuineness of the claim can proceed to issue the validity in favour of such claimant as is contemplated under sub-rule 10 of the said Rule. In case if the Committee is not satis ...
Bombay High Court (Nagpur Bench)
Nikhil Girish Patt And Others Vs Central Bureau Of Investigation And Others
.... e test to be adopted by the court while deciding upon an addition or alteration of a charge is that the material brought on record needs to have a direct link or nexus with the ingredients of the alleged offence. Addition of a charge merely commences the trial for the additional charges, whereup ...
Bombay High Court
Jatinder Kaur Chilotra Vs Intelligence Officer, Directorate Of Revenue And Others
.... for tracing and identifying such property. (2) The steps referred to in sub-section (1) may include any inquiry, investigation or survey in respect of any person, place, property, assets, documents, books of account in any bank or public financial institution or any other relevant matters. ...
Bombay High Court
Rangnath Vs State Of Maharashtra
.... as to look after it and it has so come in the evidence of prosecution itself. Secondly, amount demanded and accepted was mere a hand loan for the medical treatment. Immediately after arrest, statement to that extent had been given and even prosecution’s own witnesses, including shadow pancha, ar ...
Bombay High Court (Aurangabad Bench)
Narhari Vithalrao Dahe Vs Sudam Gangaram Dahe
.... nsaction, defence seems to have adduced evidence of one Raghunath Rasve (DW1) as well as one Dnyanoba Gangaram Dahe (DW2). Apart from such oral evidence, accused seems to have placed on record documents, like at Exh.39 to 43 i.e. documents to show that there was loan by brother of complainant an ...
Bombay High Court (Aurangabad Bench)
Mayur @ Vikki Deepak Alone Vs District Magistrate, Jalgaon And Others
.... 30.07.2021. The respondents/ authorities are not delegent in taking steps against the petitioner under the Act . Affidavit-in-reply filed by the respondents also does not disclose any justification for delay. The live link between past conduct and the action would stand snapped. We are guided by ...
Bombay High Court (Aurangabad Bench)
Vishnu @ Tukya Haridas Dake And Others Vs State Of Maharashtra And Others
.... t in the absence of corroboration as a rule, is adding insult to injury. Why should the evidence of the girl or the woman who complains of rape or sexual molestation be viewed with the aid of spectacles fitted with lenses tinged with doubt, disbelief or suspicion ? To do so is to justify the char ...
Bombay High Court (Aurangabad Bench)
Vijay And Others Vs State Of Maharashtra And Others
.... ons asked them not to harvest crop. They abused. Sonya Bapu held him, whereas Vijay gave blow with axe on his head. Dattu and Sharad hit him with sticks. Govind, Gopinath and Gangadhar hit his father with sticks, whereas Sonya Bapu, Sharad and Dattu beat his brother. Because of axe blow, he suff ...
Bombay High Court (Aurangabad Bench)
Arun Vs Subhash And Others
.... the orders of this Court passed from time to time thereafter is not established by them. Further, from 7.12.2017 till today, though it was the duty of respondent Nos. 1 and 2 to include name of the petitioner in the Shalarth ID number, it is also not drawn up. The service book is prepared. Even ...
Bombay High Court (Aurangabad Bench)
Chetan @ Chanbassappa Sadashiv Bolkote And Others Vs State Of Maharashtra And Others
.... the 1966 Act has to be read in the context of the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and now the 2013 Act. For clarity paragraphs 42 and 43 of Shrirampur Municipal Council v. Satyabhamabai Bhimaji Dawkher (supra), are reproduced as under: “42. We are further of the view that the m ...
Bombay High Court
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