Society For Media And Value Education Vs Income-Tax Officer (Exemptions)
.... Act, 1961, pertaining to the assessment year 2009-10. 2. At the outset learned counsel for the assessee submitted that the assessee is not interested in pursuing the instant appeal and prayed that the assessee may be permitted to withdraw the appeal. An application to this effect has also ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi G Bench)
Narayan Vs ITO
.... s of the case of the appellant herein and based on the very similar facts to the teeth. 6. The Lad CIT(A) has erred in law as well as on facts in confirming the long-term capital gain of Rs. 1,55,85,251/-computed by the Ld. A.O. by treating the agricultural land as capital asset under secti ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi E Bench)
VPSSR Facilities Vs Income Tax Officer
.... d from the employee or by way of deduction authorized by the statute) as income it is the character of the amount that is important, i.e., not income earned. Thus, amounts retained by the employer from out of the employees income by way of deduction etc. were treated as income in the hands of th ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi H Bench)
Suchi Agrawal, Vs ITO
.... there is no specific provision in the agreement, it is basic law, i.e., the Income-tax Act, that will govern the taxation of income. Circular: No. 333 [F. No. 506/42/81-FTD] dated 2-4-1982. 6. There is no condition prescribed in DTAA that the FTC can be disallowed for non- compliance ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi SMC Bench)
Paragon XT Vs Income-tax Officer
.... sed herewith. This amount has been duly reflected as "Hoogly Holding Mobilisation" in - the list of sundry creditors, copy of list of sundry creditors has already been filed above. This means that the amount has been received in the year under assessment only. b. Rs. 35,00,000/-: ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi F Bench)
ITO Vs Red Capital P. Ltd
.... of the AO. The appellant submitted that in the remand proceedings, the present AO had further issued the notices u/s 133(6) of the Act to all the aforesaid companies who had subscribed the share capital as well as to Manglam Vanijya and required various information from them. 8.10. The app ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi F Bench)
Goldies Trading Co. Ltd Vs DCIT
.... tails/ written submissions. After examining the records, AO observed with regard to disallowance of Rs. 1,45,000/- u/s. 14A r.w. Rule 8-D is concerned, the AO has observed that the assessdee was engaged in the business of dealing in real estate, consultancy and contractual business. As per AO as ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi C Bench)
Denso (Thailand) Co. Ltd. Vs ACIT
.... observation Rebuttal Judgement relates to year 2013 i.e. before the year in which India-Thailand treaty was got amended. No such amendment made in the India-Thailand treaty contrary to what was held by Hon’ble Madars High court in its ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi D Bench)
Bajaj Capital Ltd Vs ACIT
.... ng, there was such agreement and payment, does not bind the ITO to hold that the payment was made exclusively and wholly for the purpose of the assessee's business. Although, there might be such an agreement in existence and the payment might have been made, it is still open to the ITO to consid ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi A Bench)
Dy. C.I.T. Vs CBRE South Asia Private Ltd
.... Vs Cvent India Pvt. Ltd., ITA No. 523/Del/2020, date of Order 24/02/2023 has placed reliance on the decisions of Hon'ble High Courts of Delhi and Madras and has held that the ESOP expenses are allowable business expenses u/« 37(1) of the Act. Relevant part of the order is reproduced below; A ...
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Delhi B Bench)
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