Sonam And Another Vs State Of Uttarakhand And Others
.... 8. They have given their respective affidavits, and the certificate of marriage is annexed as Annexure No. 1. 2. Notice of motion. 3. Mr. J.S. Virk, learned Deputy Advocate General for the State of Uttarakhand accepts notice on behalf of respondent nos. 1 & 2. 4. Keeping in ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Neeshu And Another Vs State Of Uttarakhand And Others
.... 9.2002, and Anshul Kumar’s Aadhaar Card is at Page No. 17 of the paper-book, which shows his date of birth as 28.10.2001, and his High School Examination Certificate is also at Page No. 16. As per the information, and the affidavits given, both the petitioners are major. 4. This Writ Petit ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Udit Bansal Vs State Of Uttarakhand And Others
.... District - Udham Singh Nagar, claiming that he should be granted protection, as he is facing threat from respondent no. 5 on account of some land dispute between petitioner and respondent no. 5. 2. Without expressing any opinion on the merits of the case, this Writ Petition is being dispose ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Afajal Vs State Of Uttarakhand And Others
.... ts, and in paragraph no. 5 of the counter affidavit filed by Shri Laxmi Raj Chauhan, Special Land Acquisition Officer, it is stated that notices have been sent to the concerned land owners on 10.08.2023 (Annexure CA-1). These notices have been sent after the inquiry report dated 02.11.2022, and ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Sandeep Kumar Vs State Of Uttarakhand & Anr.
.... Y. Singh, officiating Director of the Institute. 8. Per contra, learned State Counsel contended that it is the admitted case of the applicant that he did not hand over the charge to his successor in pursuance of his relieving/attachment order dated 19.8.2021 and there are clinching evidenc ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Akhilesh Kumar Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... - alongwith her. But, she did not return. 4. Learned counsel for the applicant would submit that the victim has not supported the prosecution case during trial. There is no forensic or pathological report which may connect the applicant with the offence in any manner. 5. Learned Stat ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Bhupendra Prasad Maithani Vs State Of Uttarakhand & Others
.... ional Chief Administrator, Housing and Urban Development Authority. 5. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that despite the fact that the area in question is a regulated area as per notification dated 24.05.1996, the Prescribed Authority/ Divisional Forest Officer, Kedarnath Wildlife ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Rajni Bhandari Vs State Of Uttarakhand & Others
.... le, consisting of one sentence, clearly suggests that the two terms are used in two different meanings. The High Court appears to be right in holding that an inquiry against a Pramukh or Up-Pramukh can be held by an officer not below the rank of an Additional District Magistrate while as against ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Salman Saifi Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... eyewitnesses of the cases viz. PW2 Sachin Gupta and Manmohan Singh Negi have also not supported the prosecution case; that, on the basis of these facts and circumstances, co-accused persons, namely, Deepak Kumar, Sagar and Surya Pratap were granted bail by a Coordinate Bench of this Court, vide ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Shiva Corporation India Ltd. Vs State Of Uttarakhand And Another
.... n waived of or ignored by the respondent authority. He would submit that the rejection of the technical bid on this ground was unwarranted. 5. Per contra, learned State Counsel would submit that the petitioner should have follow submitted the FDR of a nationalized bank as per the condition o ...
Uttarakhand High Court
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