M/s Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Ltd Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India
.... TTAG-JUDGMENT Meera Swarup, Technical Member 1. The learned counsel for the appellant seeks permission to withdraw the appeal with liberty to file a fresh appeal. 2. Accordingly, the appeal is allowed to be withdrawn with liberty to file a fresh appeal. The misc. applications are ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Madhav Power Private Limited Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India & Anr
.... Swarup, Technical Member 1. Delay in filing the reply is condoned. The reply is taken on record. 2. Three weeks further time is allowed to the appellant to file rejoinder. List on April 16, 2024. 3. In the meanwhile, no action for recovery will be taken by the Recovery Officer ag ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
M.P. Purushothaman And Ors Vs BSE Limited & Anr
.... 1. Delay in filing of reply by SEBI is condoned. The application is allowed. The reply is taken on record. 2. Two weeks additional time is allowed to Respondent BSE to file its reply. Three weeks thereafter for filing rejoinder. List on March 12, 202 ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Saurabh Ashok Shinde And Others Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India
.... 3 and list on February 16, 2024. 3. In the meanwhile, respondent may file a reply within two weeks from today. Rejoinder to be filed on or before the next date. 4. Since the interim order has been granted in connected appeals, the appellant is also entitled for a similar relief. 5 ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Impressive Trading Pvt. Ltd. & Anr Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India
.... For the reasons stated in the applications, the delay in the filing of the appeals is condoned. The applications are allowed. 2. Three weeks’ time is allowed to the respondent to file a reply. Three weeks thereafter to the appellants to file rejoinder. The respondent is permitted to file a ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Sanjay Kumar Agrawal & Anr Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India
.... been made vicariously liable for mistakes allegedly committed by the Company without any evidence about their involvement in the manipulation of the scrip of the Company. The Appellants have also contended that while this appeal has been admitted by this Tribunal, the Respondent has started Reco ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Nagreeka Capital And Infrastructure Limited & Anr Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India
.... Meera Swarup, Technical Member 1. Not on Board. Mentioned by the learned counsel for the appellants. 2. Two weeks time is allowed to the appellants to file rejoinder. List on February 14, 2024. ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Arun Ramchandra Gole And Others Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India
.... eal no. 819 of 2023 and list on February 16, 2024. 3. In the meanwhile, respondent may file a reply within three weeks from today. Rejoinder to be filed on or before the next date. 4. Since the interim order has been granted in connected appeals, the appellant is also entitled for a si ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Samco Securities Limited Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India
.... or the reasons stated in the application, the delay is condoned. The application is allowed. Since the appeal is taken up for hearing, the urgency application is disposed of. 2. Stay Application stands disposed off as the Applicant has paid the penalty amount under protest. 3. Three w ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
Aman Kumar Vs Securities And Exchange Board Of India & Ors
.... icant stays at a remote place in Jharkhand and is not well versed with the securities law. The counsel he engaged in 2023 has not done the needful as asked by the Registry. The then counsel had not even informed the appellant that the appeal could not be filed due to some lacuna found by the Regi ...
Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai
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