Authorised Officer, Central Bank Of India Vs Shanmugavelu
.... of the general law of contract, were sufficient to cater to the remedy, the need to make sub-rule (5) of rule 9 as part of the Rules might not have arisen. Additionally, insertion of sub-rule (5) with such specificity regarding forfeiture must not have been thought of only for reiterating what ...
Supreme Court Of India
Haalesh @ Haleshi @ Kurubara Haleshi Vs State Of Karnataka
.... arly proves that all the accused persons have initially assembled in front of the house of the deceased Shivanna; first two of them arrived and later the rest of them came in auto rikshaw. They armed themselves with weapons especially choppers and thereafter trespassed into the house of the dece ...
Supreme Court Of India
Bharat Sher Singh Kalsia Vs State Of Bihar & Anr.
.... ould require consideration is — whether judgment, order or decree is relevant, if relevant — its effect. It may be relevant for a limited purpose, such as, motive or as a fact in issue. This would depend upon the facts of each case. 32. In the present case, the decision rendered by the Cons ...
Supreme Court Of India
In Re: T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union Of India And Ors
.... Goyal, Member, iii) Sri Sunil Limaye, Member, iv) Dr. J.R. Bhatt, Member and v) Ms Banumathi G, Assistant Inspector General of Forests, MoEFCC, Member Secretary. Thereafter, the matter came up before us on 11.12.2023. On the said date, we heard the learned Solicitor General as well as the learn ...
Supreme Court Of India
Gulshan Bajwa Vs Registrar, High Court Of Delhi & Anr
.... ) In CM 9695 of 2006 in WP (C) No. 9244 of 2006 before the High Court, the appellant had filed a written submission, where he had made the following statement (we have deliberately redacted the names of the Hon’ble Judges of this Court and that of the High Court to maintain the decorum of these ...
Supreme Court Of India
Director General, Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research(CSIR) Vs J.K. Prashar & Ors
.... Asstts., now re-designated as Private Secretaries to the post of Under Secretary/Administrative Officer (Gr. I) in the scale of Rs. 3000-4500.” 5. The High Court, upon an analysis of the factual and legal scenario found that respondent nos. 2 and 3 were promoted on the basis of certificates ...
Supreme Court Of India
Sheikh Arif Vs State Of Maharashtra & Anr
.... posed her, and she accepted the said proposal. In fact, according to the version of the second respondent, their physical relationship commenced in 2012 and continued till 2017. In February 2013, the second respondent underwent an abortion. In July 2017, according to the case of the second respo ...
Supreme Court Of India
Sachin Garg Vs State Of U.P & Anr.
.... ning evidence is also lacking and suffers on this account. On these aspects, the summoning order is equally quiet, albeit, it states that “a forged demand of Rs 6,37,252.16p had been raised by JIPL, which demand is not due in terms of statements by Shubhankar P. Tomar and Sakshi Tilak Chand”. A ...
Supreme Court Of India
Baitulla Ismail Shaikh And Anr. Vs Khatija Ismail Panhalkar And Ors.
.... pation, then such transfer shall be subject to the rights and interests of such tenants. (8) For the purposes of clause (m) of sub-section (1), the standard rent or permitted increase in respect of the part sub-let shall be the amounts bearing such proportion to the standard rent or permitt ...
Supreme Court Of India
Amit Kumar Das, Joint Secretary, Baitanik, A Registered Society Vs Shrimati Hutheesingh Tagore Charitable Trust.
.... n lieu of donations, were not organized by the Society itself, and such acts on its part amounted to willful and deliberate violation of the order dated 03.03.2010 passed in the first appeal. The Division Bench also took note of the fact that the application filed by the Society seeking leave to ...
Supreme Court Of India
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