KMML Rtired Officers Association Vs State Of Kerala
.... f the Respondents Nos. 3 and 4 stating that the Respondent No.1 passed Ext.P9 Order after considering all the relevant inputs and the reasons stated therein are well founded. 8. I hold that the Respondent No.1 has entered cogent reasons to reject the prayer of the petitioner. In Ext.P9, th ...
High Court Of Kerala
Nilesh Ramachandra Japthap Vs State Of Kerala
.... impersonation, the accused indulges in cheating. Section 415 IPC defines cheating. Thus, in order to constitute the offence of cheating by impersonation, apart from pretending to be some other person, the accused should have (i) deceived a person fraudulently or dishonestly, (ii) the person so ...
High Court Of Kerala
B. Anandan Vs Union Of India
.... y School Council Vs Sristidhar Biswas [(2007) 12 SCC 779], wherein it was held that delay is a significant factor in granting relief. The ratio decidendi as could be culled out from the above decision is that unexplained delay is a factor decisive for this Court in refusing to exercise of the ju ...
High Court Of Kerala
Lissy Vs Salomy
.... in the property. It is one of the main reasons pointed out by the trial court and the appellate court to disbelieve Ext.B1 Will deed, since execution of Ext.A6 was not at all necessary, if there was Ext.B1 prior to that. It is relevant to note that if Abraham Mathew and Paul, who were sure that ...
High Court Of Kerala
Shyju Vs State Of Kerala
.... it may be, the prosecution cannot be denied an opportunity to bring it on record as a piece of evidence in the trial. 9. In the decision in Central Bureau of Investigation v. R.S. Pai and Another, [(2002) 5 SCC 82], the Supreme Court had observed that, normally, the Investigating Officer i ...
High Court Of Kerala
Unnikrishnan T.A Vs Assistant Commissioner (Assessment)
.... ssment, he should have approached the first Appellate Authority by filing an appeal under Section 55 of the KVAT Act. 3. The learned counsel for the petitioner, in reply, would submit that Section 55 of the KVAT Act has been amended by the Finance Act, 2023. It is submitted that, by virtue ...
High Court Of Kerala
XXXXXXXXXX Vs State Of Kerala
.... -called for confronting Ext.D6. 4. The learned Public Prosecutor pointed out the bar under Section 33(5) of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, which provides that the Special Court shall ensure that the child is not called repeatedly to testify in the court, while justifyi ...
High Court Of Kerala
XXXXXXXXXX Vs State Of Kerala
.... tion has been practically completed. However, taking note of the fact that the petitioner is the father of the victim, I am inclined to enlarge the petitioner on bail on stringent conditions and one among the conditions is that, the petitioner shall not enter the village and the house where the ...
High Court Of Kerala
Polsons Diostillery Vs The Assistant Commissioner (Assessment)
.... he learned Single Judge erred in assuming that the assessments in respect of all the assessment years from 1998-99 to 2004-05, except 1999-00 had been completed and finalised by the earlier proceedings. It is, in particular, pointed out, with reference to the litigation that went up to the Supre ...
High Court Of Kerala
Fr. Antony Eravimangalam Vs State Of Kerala
.... t Petition be granted. 3. Sri.P.M.Shameer – learned Government Pleader, submitted that the petitioner need not have approached this Court through this Writ Petition because his requests, namely Exts.P1 and P2, have already been taken note of by the 2nd respondent – Superintendent of Police ...
High Court Of Kerala
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