Gubba Cold Private Ltd Vs Vishakapatnam Port Logistics Park Ltd. And Other
.... 56,63,178/- being the outstanding license fee and electricity charges are due from the Informant and are required to be paid at the earliest. 13. The Informant has alleged that despite the OPs retaining the security deposit amount the OPs compelled the Informant to pay additional amount as ...
Competition Commission Of India
Col. Arvind Kumar Vs One97 Communications Ltd. And Others
.... tion and after a few days he was informed that 89 GB data had been used on his said old connection. OP-3 was unable to intimate about the data usage for the new connection for the corresponding period. OP-3 refused to email data usage for both connections and the same was not received by the Info ...
Competition Commission Of India
XYZ Vs Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd. And Other
.... r the successful delivery of processed glass products to the market/ consumers. However, those do not impose a requirement to buy glass from only one manufacturer. iv. With respect to the question whether it is mandatory for all the processors to enter into the said Propel Agreement, the In ...
Competition Commission Of India
Anil Bansal Vs Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited. And Others
.... nts to another bank, they are constrained to pay a foreclosure penalty on their loans and thus, gets dissuaded from pursuing other options. A customer cannot shift from one bank to another on account of pre-payment penalty and new financial companies are unable to get customers which is stifling ...
Competition Commission Of India
Balbir Singh Nagpal Vs Toyota Kirloskar Motors Private Limited & Other
.... me cases, demanding premium for early delivery, are in violation of the Section 4(2)(a), 4(2)(c) and Section 3(4) of the Act. 13. In light of the aforesaid facts and circumstances, the Informant has prayed for the following reliefs: (a) passing an order under Section 26(1) of the Act a ...
Competition Commission Of India
XYZ Vs PCMM, Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai & Others
.... Award rate (INR) L1 Raizan Steel Engineering Pvt. Ltd. - Pune 13570.00 0 N.A. L2 Laimer Engineering - Thiruvallur 17010.55 0 ...
Competition Commission Of India
Ms. Rachna Khaira Vs Google India Private Limited
.... security.” As explained in the policy, developers listing apps on Google Play are required to complete a disclosure that, among other things, describes how their app shares and uses collected data. 9.7. Google has thus, inter alia prayed the Commission to dismiss the Information as the I ...
Competition Commission Of India
Kannada Film Chamber of Commerce And Others Vs Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce
.... e Informant stated that it even sent a legal notice. 6. The Informant has averred that due to non-compliance of the order dated 27.07.2015, a complaint was filed under section 42(3) of the Act before the Learned Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Patiala House District Court, New Delhi and that ...
Competition Commission Of India
Mr. Uday B. Bhatt Vs Mr. Sarfarazbhai Rafique Bhai Ravani & Others
.... is as follows: a. The OPs are acting as illegal intermediaries in the market and trying to manipulate the buyers and current pricing system of the sellers by spreading rumours and false rates of the scrap material. The Informant has also stated that some of the OPs are also acti ...
Competition Commission Of India
Metallurgical Products India Private Limited (�MPIL�) Vs Government of India through The Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy (�DEA�) & Other
.... ominance in the relevant market and are abusing their dominant position to drive the Informant out of the market to benefit certain public sector entities processing Columbite and Tantalite. It also has been stated that both DAE and IREL fall under the definition of ‘enterprise’ as stated under ...
Competition Commission Of India
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