Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Vs Abhyudaya Housing And Construction Private Limited
.... ars that the parties have reached a settlement under the scheme of settlement, namely, “Vivad Se Vishwas-II”. The settlement also appears to have been approved by the competent authority of the Government of India. This is clear from the averments made in I.A. No. 02 of 2024. In such circu ...
Sikkim High Court
CB Hang Yaku Rai Vs M/S A.K. Builders
.... spute between the parties. Both the learned Advocates have come up with one common name; that of a designated Senior Advocate of this Court, namely, Shri Asutosh Moulik. Mr. Moulik may be appointed as a sole Arbitrator for adjudication of the disputes which may have arisen between the parti ...
Sikkim High Court
State Of Sikkim & Ors. Vs M/s Tashi Delek Gaming Solutions (P) Ltd., 135-Continental Building, Dr. A.B. Road, Worli, Mumbai � 18
.... lause was dependent on the legality of the contract and if a contract is illegal and void, an arbitration clause, which is one of the terms thereof must also perish with it. 9. These judgments were rendered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court interpreting the Arbitration Act, 1940. The Hon’ble Su ...
Sikkim High Court
Tseten Palzor Bhutia Vs State Of Sikkim & Ors.
.... Biswanath Somadder, CJ On the prayer of the learned Advocate representing the appellant, who submits that his learned senior had to go to Siliguri for some personal reasons, we adjourn this matter till 03rd December, 2024, with consent from the respond ...
Sikkim High Court
Union Of India Vs M/S Mk Infrastructure (P) Ltd.
.... Biswanath Somadder, CJ Having heard the learned Advocates for the parties, let this matter appear on 03rd December, 2024, for further consideration. ...
Sikkim High Court
Union Of India Vs Valecha Shivalaya-Interdril (JV)
.... Biswanath Somadder, CJ Having heard the learned Advocates for the parties, let this matter appear on 03rd December, 2024, for further consideration. ...
Sikkim High Court
M/S Sikkim Urja Limited Vs M/S Abir Infrastructure Private Limited And Others
.... Biswanath Somadder, CJ On the prayer of the learned Advocates appearing on behalf of the parties, let this matter appear on 03rd December, 2024, for further consideration. ...
Sikkim High Court
CB Hang Yaku Rai Vs M/S A.K. Builders
.... there is another address provided at the bottom of the respondent’s letter-head. He submits that an opportunity may be given to his client to effect service at the said address. Considering the facts and circumstances of the instant case, this Court is of the view that a notice together wi ...
Sikkim High Court
Karma Tshering Bhutia Vs State Of Sikkim & Ors.
.... nd into the respective interest of the persons claiming the compensation. It is only after such enquiry that the Collector can make an award under his hand of – (i) the true area of the land; (ii) the compensation which in his opinion should be allowed for the land; and (3) the apportionment of ...
Sikkim High Court
Court On Suo Motu Vs Secretary, Ministry Of Surface Transport & Ors
.... of West Bengal under whose jurisdiction the stretch of national highway between Rangpo and Sevoke Bazar, West Bengal, falls, to file a report stating therein specifically how many labourers were engaged and the wages paid to them on a day-to-day basis between 01st April, 2024 and the date of fil ...
Sikkim High Court
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