Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Vs Rajinder Singh & 3 Ors
.... 7. The contention of respondent no.1 was that the requisite premium had been deducted by the petitioner Bank and there was no dispute with regard to the loss incurred by him on account of un-seasonal rains and the quantum of loss as determined by the Agriculture Department and Revenue aut ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Post Master General, Barelil Region & 2 Ors Vs Pyare Lal Yadav & Anr
.... when the findings of the lower fora are concurrent on facts. It can interfere with the concurrent findings of the fora below only on the grounds that the findings are either perverse or that the fora below have acted without jurisdiction. Findings can be concluded to be perverse only when they a ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
State Bank Of India Vs Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
.... lainant filed the present Revision Petition before this Commission with the following prayer: A. The Impugned Judgment and Order dated 03.06.2022 passed by State Commission, Jaipur be quashed and set-aside; B. Restore the order dated 25.08.2021 passed by the Consumer Court, Distt. Saw ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Abdul Gagoor Vs Jose K.V
.... . The OP responded on 31.12.2010 denying the allegations and he filed a complaint before the District Forum seeking to complete the villa on their own and refund of Rs.8,35,000/- with interest. The District Forum, on 29.01.2016, directed both parties to proceed with completion of villa, with spe ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Naresh Kumar Sharma & Anr Vs ICICI Bank Limited & Anr
.... o do so then penalty has to be levied in accordance with the measure provided in the Act. When the default is the filing of delayed return the penalty may be correlated to the time-lag between the last day for filing it without penalty and the day on which it is filed and the quantum of tax or w ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Fast Engineers Vs Deepshikha Kala Sansthan
.... sed only after due notice was served and the OP failed to appear. Further, as per law, the OP was required to deposit fifty percent of the awarded amount to file an appeal. However, in this case, the OP deposited only Rs.35,000/- before this Commission, thereby failing to fulfil the legal requir ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
State Bank Of India (Erstwhile State Bank Of Travancore) & 2 Ors Vs R. Vishwanatha Pai (R-1 Since Deceased Through Lrs) & Anr
.... and furniture during the loan period. The agreement lacked any express clause imposing such a duty on the bank. The State Commission misinterpreted the terms of the loan agreement, and incorrectly concluded that the bank was responsible for insuring the pledged goods, which led to a wrongful det ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Rajasthan Housing Board & Anr Vs Banarsi Devi Through Lrs. & Ors
.... sent circumstances of the case.” 8. The learned counsel for OPs reiterated the arguments previously presented before both lower fora. He argued that the OP had refunded the entire amount of Rs.10,747/-, deposited by the original applicant to the complainant by cheque No. 313673 ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Dr. Harish Gupta Vs Kumari Kritika & Ors
.... mplaint of the Respondent nos. 1 and 2; and/or ii. pass such other order or orders as this Hon'ble Commission may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case. And for this act of kindness, the Petitioner, as is duty bound, shall ever pray.” RP/655/2024 - fi ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. & Anr Vs Lakhha K. Panjabi
.... Ltd. v. Garg Sons International, (2014) 1 SCC 686, wherein this Court held as under : “39. … 11. The insured cannot claim anything more than what is covered by the insurance policy. “The terms of the contract have to be construed strictly, without altering the nature of the contract as th ...
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
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