Balakrishnan K. Nair Vs Union Of India Notice To Be Served Through The Secretary, Govt. Of India, Ministry Of Finance, Department Of Income Tax, New Delhi 110001
.... thereupon proceed to hold the further inquiry according to the provisions of Rule, 14, as far as may be.” (2) The Disciplinary Authority shall forward or cause to be forwarded a copy of the report of the inquiry, if any, held by the Disciplinary Authority, or where the Disciplinary Authorit ...
Central Administrative Tribunal Ahmedabad Bench
Dinanath M Nimje Son Of Shri Mahadeve Nimje Vs Union Of India, Through The Secretary, Department Of Revenue, North Block, New Delhi � 110011 & Ors.
.... e time factor is expeditiously kept as proposed and directed.” The reply further informs that there was procedural delay in complying with that direction of this Tribunal against which the Contempt Petition was preferred by some officials. However, those Contempt Petitions were dismissed. A ...
Central Administrative Tribunal - Allahabad Bench, Allahabad
Roy Abraham Kalathoor, Son Of Shri A. K. Abraham Vs Union Of India, Through The Secretary, Department Of Revenue, North Block, New Delhi � 110011 & Ors.
.... d if the time factor is expeditiously kept as proposed and directed.” The reply further informs that there was procedural delay in complying with that direction of this Tribunal against which the Contempt Petition was preferred by some officials. However, those Contempt Petitions were dismi ...
Central Administrative Tribunal - Allahabad Bench, Allahabad
Pushpa Devi Vs Union Of India & Ors.
.... i V.K. Pandey, learned counsel for the respondents is present. 2. Under the circumstances, the Court has no option, but to dismiss the instant case for want of prosecution as per Rule 15 (1) of Central Administrative Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1987. Accordingly, OA No.186 of 2016 is dismis ...
Central Administrative Tribunal - Allahabad Bench, Allahabad
Manoj Kumar Tiwari Vs Union Of India Through Its Secretary, Ministry Of Communication And Information Technology, Department Of Post, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. & Ors.
.... ndents are present. 2. Learned counsel for the applicant Shri B.N. Singh, submits that by the efflux of time the matter has become infructuous as the disciplinary authority passed the order removing the applicant from service. 3. Under these circumstances, the original application has ...
Central Administrative Tribunal - Allahabad Bench, Allahabad
Pradeep Kumar Mishra Vs Union Of India & Ors.
.... R.K. Srivastava, learned counsel for the respondents is present. 2. Under the circumstances, the Court has no option, but to dismiss the instant case for want of prosecution as per Rule 15 (1) of Central Administrative Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1987. Accordingly, OA No.1632 of 2015 is dis ...
Central Administrative Tribunal - Allahabad Bench, Allahabad
Nem Kumar Vs Union Of India, Through The General Manager, North Central Railway, Subedarganj, District-Allahabad & Ors.
.... t has filed OA No.798 of 2018 seeking similar remedy. The present original application is devoid of merit. 10. Heard the rival submissions of the learned counsel for the parties and perused the documents available on record. 11. The respondents have relied upon the following judgments: ...
Central Administrative Tribunal - Allahabad Bench, Allahabad
Ram Kumar Vs M/o Defence And Others
.... GMENT B.K. Shrivastava, Member (J) 1. None for the applicant. Shri Jai Singh, counsel for the respondents is present. 2. No one is present on behalf of the applicant even in revised call. 3. Therefore, in the absence of applicant, MA No. 4161/2023 along with O.A. No. 6 ...
Central Administrative Tribunal - Allahabad Bench, Allahabad
Suriye Akhter & Others Vs UT Of J&K Through Commissioner/Principal Secretary To Government, Agriculture Production And Farmers Welfare Department, J&K Civil Secretariat Srinagar/Jammu, 190001 & Ors.
.... s and rules. The learned Counsel for the applicants has further submitted that still the final decision has not been taken by the respondents despite of the clear directions issued vide communication dated 22. 06. 2023. 3. Learned Counsel for the applicants has submitted that it will suffic ...
Central Administrative Tribunal, Srinagar Bench, Srinagar
Parveena Vs State Of Jammu And Kashmir Through Commissioner/Secretary To Handicrafts Department, Jammu/Srinagar & Ors.
.... rge promotion without considering the case of the applicant though she has already qualified the Trade Test, Practical Test as well as Talim Test. He submits that the applicant has not been even promoted on in-charge basis. He submits that it will be suffice if the direction is issued to the res ...
Central Administrative Tribunal, Srinagar Bench, Srinagar
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