Ankur Agarwal Vs State Of Uttarakhand & Others
.... before respondent no.2 to submit why the order be not passed against him for removing the nuisance being created by running of stone crusher and water flown thereby in the fields damaging the crops. 3. Since the petitioner has challenged the show cause notice purportedly issued under Secti ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Shashank Singh Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... Learned counsel for the applicant would submit that there is no evidence against the applicant except the confession of the applicant as well as the statement of the co-accused. The applicant was confined in a jail at the relevant time. 4. These facts are admitted to learned State counsel ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Prem Kumar Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... the first time, levelled allegation of sexual assault against the applicant. It is argued that the statement of the victim is not reliable. 5. Learned counsel admits these factual positions. 6. It is the stage of bail. Much of the discussion is not expected of. Arguments are being app ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Abhishek Kumar Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... submit that it is a false case. The applicant has just friendship with the victim. They did not ever establish any physical relation. The sample of foetus was sent for DNA examination, which did not match with the applicant. There is a positive report to that effect. It is argued that it belies ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Sahzad Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... cant would submit that it is no injury case. In fact, the applicant was injured due to firing made by the police. 4. Learned State counsel admits these facts, but he would submit that a country-made pistol was recovered from the applicant which matches with the cartridge cases that were fou ...
Uttarakhand High Court
CPL O.P. Dahiya & Others Vs Air Force Naval Housing Board & Others
.... respondent Air Force Naval Housing Board along with long term maintenance fund of Rs. 30,000/- (rupees thirty thousand). Total sum of Rs. 4,23,590/- (rupees four lakh twenty three thousand five hundred ninety). (ii) That on receipt of this payment within a week time from today, the respond ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Shahnawaz And Another Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... aged to escape. 6. Having considered, this Court is of the view that this is a case, in which the applicants should be granted anticipatory bail. The instant anticipatory bail application deserves to be allowed. 7. The anticipatory bail application is allowed. 8. In the eventuali ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Shahnaaz And Others Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... ld submit that co-accused named the applicants as the persons, who were also involved in the offence. 6. Having considered, this Court is of the view that this is a case, in which the applicants should be granted anticipatory bail. The instant anticipatory bail application deserves to be al ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Shajev And Another Vs State Of Uttarakhand
.... on may be decided based on the material available on record. He would submit that when the police reached at the spot, the applicants managed to escape. 6. Having considered, this Court is of the view that this is a case, in which the applicants should be granted anticipatory bail. The inst ...
Uttarakhand High Court
Pramod Kumar Vs Collector, District Udham Singh Nagar And Others
.... of the petitioner. 2. Learned counsel for respondent no.3-Punjab National Bank made a statement that liability of the petitioner has been discharged as he has deposited the entire amount due against him, so far as Punjab National Bank is concerned. The learned counsel for respondent no.2-P ...
Uttarakhand High Court
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