Suveechi Chaudhary Vs Dr. Ambuj Chaudhary And Others
.... enance. The Bombay High Court in Sanjay Damodar Kale v Kalyani Sanjay Kale43 while relying upon the judgment in Sunita Kachwaha (supra), held that neither the mere potential to earn, nor the actual earning of the wife, howsoever meagre, is sufficient to deny the claim of maintena ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Indore Bench)
M/s Surya Roshni Ltd. (CFL Division) Vs The State Of Madhya Pradesh And Others
.... e of condition No.4 of the exemption notification (Annexure P/3). 6. Learned counsel has placed reliance on the judgment of the Apex Court in the case of Union of India and Others vs. Wood Papers Ltd. and another reported in (1990) 4 SCC 256 and Commissioner of Sales Tax Vs ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Gwalior Bench)
Pushpendra Singh Vs Director Of Enforcement
.... y be prescribed. (2) The Director, Additional Director, Joint Director, Deputy Director or Assistant Director shall have power to summon any person whose attendance he considers necessary whether to give evidence or to produce any records during the course of any investigation or ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Gwalior Bench)
Sudeep Vs The State Of Madhya Pradesh
.... d to the decision rendered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Ramdev Rao Yadav vs. State of Bihar reported as (1990)2 SCC 675 . Thus, this court is of the considered opinion that the respondent State was not required to file any separate appeal to challenge a finding recorded by th ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Indore Bench)
M/s Vinum Traders Pvt. Ltd. Vs State of Madhya Pradesh And Others
.... ccount, stock register, and sale and purchase record of the shops to show that no liquor was sold during the said period. On the basis of a presumption that during the period when the orders under Section 144 of Cr.P.C. were issued, the petitioner shops were closed the claim of the petitioner ca ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Gwalior Bench)
Dhiraj Kumar Sharma Vs State of M.P. and Others
.... gency of the Government and that would have to be decided on a proper assessment of the facts in the light of the relevant factors. The concept of instrumentality or agency of the Government is not limited to a corporation created by a statute but is equally applicable to a Company or society ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Gwalior)
Sanjay Sahu Vs The State of Madhya Pradesh and Others
.... simpliciter and not punitive in nature. After hearing learned counsel for the parties and going through the record, Annexure P-3 which is the impugned order does not talk of the conduct of the petitioner. It is only mentioned that since his services are not required, they are di ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Jabalpur)
Smt. Indu Bora Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Anr.
.... on vested into it under Section 482 of Cr.P.C. for quashment of this allegation. Regarding offence under Section 120-B of IPC 21. For bringing offence under Section 120-B of IPC, one has to go through Section 120-A of IPC which defines Criminal Conspiracy. Secti ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Gwalior)
Arshpreet Kaur @ Arshdeep Vs The State of M.P. and Ors.
.... pears that this decision was not brought to the notice of the learned Single Judge in Kailash Narayan (supra). The decisions noticed in the said case relate to the question of amendment and, therefore, were not relevant for deciding as to whether or not the amount of security required to be depo ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Gwalior)
Narendra Tripathi Vs State of Madhya Pradesh and others
.... proceedings also tend to protect the public from usurpers of public office who might be allowed to continue either with the connivance of the executive or by reason of its apathy. It will, thus, be seen that before a person can effectively claim a writ of quo warranto, he has to satisfy the cou ...
Madhya Pradesh High Court (Jabalpur)
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