NK/DSC Jagdish Chand Ramola (Retd) Vs Union Of India & Ors
.... ary provisions as applicable to the three defence services are applicable to the DSC and all such personnel taken together are referred as 'Armed Fortes Personnel" as becomes clear from the opening paragraphs of Letter No. 1(5)87/D (Pension/Services) dated 30.10.1987, Letter No. 1(6)198- ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Wg Cdr Anioushka Lomas Vs Union of India & Ors
.... er added that there was lack of clarity on the number of vacancies available for grant of PC as only 9 out of 130 SSCOs had been granted PC. He further stated that with the introduction of new HRP, many batches were clubbed together for consideration further reducing the chance of being granted ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Cmde MS Ratra (Retd) Vs Union of India & Ors
.... order dated 02 nd May, 2022 is recalled. 3. Learned counsel for respondent No.5 informs that he has already filed the counter affidavit. The counter affidavit is, however, not available on record, may be lying under defect. Learned counsel for respondent No.5 may check with the Registry ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Hay Pawar Manoj Ravindra Vs Union of India & Ors
.... rvice. Deficiency of even a single Laboratory Assistant in any of the service hospitals has direct bearing on patient care and clientele satisfaction, which is very important and crucial in saving life an limb of a patient. 5. It is argued that the applicant has earn ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Ex Chelr Roshan Lal Harijan Vs Union of India & Ors
.... te import and implication of the circular dated 2 nd February, 2009, Regulations for the Air Force Part I and the GoIMoD letter dated 22nd November, 1983 has been explained. The Government policy letters dated 7t1iJune, 1999, 9 th February, 2001and 17 th December, 2008 have been conside ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Lt Cdr Vinita Chahal Vs Union of India & Ors
.... cy List for a period of 5 years. 2. The above provisions will also apply to serving Officers commissioned for an initial period of 7 years and/ or granted extension for further periods under the existing provisions, provided they opt to be governed by the revised provisions. ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Sep Dharmendra Kumar Vs Union of India & Ors
.... re existing in the Regional Bench, where the jurisdiction lies, this application is allowed allow this application. Let OA Diary No. 2334/2021 be entertained at AFT, Principal Bench, New Delhi, by allotting it its regular number by the Registry. As the issue of interim relief is invol ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Sub Dharam Veer Vs Union of India & Ors
.... impugned order, directing the applicant to vacate the Govt. quarter even before the period of six months is over, is unsustainable in law. 3. Taking note of the aforesaid, on 27.05.2022, we had directed the respondents to seek instructions in the matter. Today, the respondents inform ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Rfn Tirath Ram and Col Sanjay Sithanshu Vs Union of India & Ors
.... licant No. 1, Rfn Tirath Ram, who was put to trial in the GCM and punished. The appeal has not been filed by the said Rfn Tirath Ram. Even though he has been shown as Applicant No. 1 and his signatures are available, however, the affidavit filed in support of the pleadings is sworn by Applica ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
Nb Sub Hamendra Kumar Vs Union of India & Ors
.... lion HQ while being in a peace area, however, the Battalion HQ was embodied in Counter-Insurgency Operational Area (Field) in Udhampur (Jammu & Kashmir). Therefore, as the provisions of Army Order 46/80 (Annexure R-11) pertaining to sheltered appointment are not applicable to Territo ...
Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi
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