Euro Alloys Limited Vs Superfine Metals Private Limited
.... jointly submit that the matter is settled between the parties and the OC has tendered Consent Terms to this Bench. 2.In view of the above, the C.P is allowed to be withdrawn with liberty to the OC to revive the C.P by filing an affidavit, in the event of failure of any of the conditions ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court VI
Asianet Satellite Communications Limited Vs Cinema 24x7 Private Limited
.... ment is due and payable by the Corporate Debtor as the Agreement has been terminated and the amount now claimed by the Operational Creditor is in the nature of damages. Response of Operational Creditor 31. In response to the Corporate Debtor’s Reply, the Operational Creditor filed a Re ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court III
Mr. Vivek Vijayanand Makar Vs Oriental Rubber Industries Limited & Others
.... ust (for the benefit of Respondent No. 2) and Vishal Family Trust (for the benefit of Respondent No. 3) held 64,000 shares each. These shares were transferred by the respective Trusts to Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 on 23rd September 2006 i.e. the same day on which/ the Petitioner's shares were fraud ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court I
Mr. Kiran R. Ganatra Vs E Quare Leisure Private Limited & Others
.... nsferred in favour of the Appellant. The Appellant denies all the false allegations contained in the said letter dated 7th June, 2016. 3.17 In reply thereto, the Appellant by his letter dated 04th July, 2016 inter-alia placed the true and correct facts on record including the fact of Respond ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court I
Fabula Trading Company Private Limited Vs
.... Issued, subscribed and paid-up Share Capital 1,23,37,467 Equity Shares of Rs. 2 each fully paid up 2,46,74,934 8,10,000 ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court III
Susheela Rajeswara Rao Donka Vs Registrar Of Companies Mumbai
.... any shall file all outstanding statutory documents i.e. e-form INC-20A and the Financial statements and annual returns till 2023 along with fees and additional fees. 10. In support of the above facts, the Petitioner has annexed the Copies of Financial statements for the year 2021-22 and Pro ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court II
Rathore Organic Products Private Limited Vs
.... 31-03-2008 Prospect TIE-UP Pvt Ltd 6000 10 490 2940000 31-03-2008 Sanyam Mercants Pvt Ltd 7600 10 490 3724000 ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court III
TVS Industrial & Logistics Parks Private Limited Vs
.... accordance with Clause 20; In this regard, it is submitted that Section 232 (6) of the Companies Act, 2013 states that the scheme under this section shall clearly indicate an appointed date from which it shall be effective, and the scheme shall be deemed to be effective from such date and ...
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench Court III
Deepti Gupta Vs Registrar of Companies
.... Justification for filing Writ Petition bearing No. 8215/2013 with Hon’ble Delhi High Court dated 21.09.2022. b) Copy of the statement of Bank Accounts of the Company. c) Copies of the provisional Balance Sheets for FY 2016-17 to 2019-20 and Income Tax Returns of the Company for F.Y 201 ...
National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi Court V
Indian Bank Vs Mayarinfrastructure Development Pvt. Ltd
.... 016 read with Rule 11 of NCLT Rules, 2016 seeking liberty to withdraw the Section 7 petition i.e. IB-298/ND/2023. Heard the submission made by Ld. Counsel on behalf of the Applicant/Financial Creditor. Ld. Counsel on behalf of the Corporate Debtor is also present. It was submitted that matter has ...
National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi Court V
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